Collage by Nora Babbitt
2024 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
Although it is not obvious at first glance, Nora Babbitt's piece is a collage. The water has a luminous icy effect which from a distance appears like stained glass; only when one is close to it can one see the detail of the attached paper. All the paper was torn from images in magazines and the picture is finished with a few painted details. It is a beautiful and emotional depiction of a polar bear.
Nora has enjoyed creating art since she was quite young. Her interest deepened during elementary school, and she has taken almost every art class offered at Brighton High school, including AP Art. Although her parents are not artists, her grandparents on both sides modeled creative pursuits.
In addition to art, Nora has wide-ranging interests. She enjoys running and anything that takes her outdoors. She also crochets, writes, plays the violin, and composes music.
Next year she will attend RIT to major in photojournalism.
Image provided by Katie Maley
Story provided by Jody Siegle
June, 2024

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434