Acrylic Painting by Evie Brooks
2016 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
Art has always been a part of Evie Brooks' life because her mother is an artist. But wasn't until her sophomore year in high school Evie began to consider building her own career in the arts.
Evie enjoys working in multiple mediums. She draws and paints, and is deeply involved in photography. She is particularly inspired by old film stills from classic movies. Studying these powerful black and white photographs created to capture the public's interest has sharpened her eye for her own photography. She also departs from the current rage for all things digital by preferring to shoot with 35 mm film. She likes the look of film and believes understanding analog is an important step before going digital.
Evie has pursued opportunities to enrich her education as an artist. She attended the New York State Summer School for the Arts, an intense pre-professional 4-week residential program. And this school year she took an independent study in AP Studio Art. AP Studio Art requires a student to prepare a substantial portfolio of their work to send to the Advanced Placement for evaluation. Evie's portfolio was a collection of 2D paintings and drawings. Her D. Bradley Smith Award piece that will remain at BHS was part of her AP portfolio.
Evie has also taken on leadership roles in a number of school activities including serving as the Photo Editor of Trapezoid, a chair and leader for Model UN, secretary for the French Club, and Director of the Brighton Film Society. She also works part time at a formal wear shop.
This fall Evie will enroll in Ryerson University in Toronto to major in film studies. She is considering becoming a film editor, a continuation of her interest in how an image leads from one thought to another.
Image provided by Evie Brooks
Story provided by Jody Siegle
June, 2016

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434