Linoleum Block Print by Savannah Fredericks
2019 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
Savannah Fredericks used a photograph she took of her sister huddling against the cold and wind on a high peak as the basis for this 4-color linoleum block print. Savannah is a serious hiker (more on that later) so the choice of this subject is an expression of all her interests.
Savannah's usual mediums are ceramics and photography. Art has been an important part of her education. In addition to Brighton's studio classes and AP Art History, she has taken classes at the Memorial Art Gallery and in camp programs. In school, she regularly made posters for school events and also took photographs for the yearbook.
But Savannah's greatest passion is being outdoors in nature. She comes from a family of serious hikers and she enjoys hiking in all seasons, regularly traversing trails both here and in the Adirondacks. One week after graduation she is leaving on an odyssey, a solo hike of the entire Appalachian Trail. She plans to take five and one half or six months to complete the walk from Maine to North Carolina and then in January she will enroll in Warren Wilson College in North Carolina majoring in Outdoor Education.
Image provided by Jed Kunz
Story provided by Jody Siegle
June, 2019

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434