Sculpture by Grace Hiltunen
2017 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
You can't walk by Grace's remarkable sculpture without stopping to look at it! What began as an assignment about masks at the New York State Summer School of the Arts (NYSSSA) is now a part of the permanent collection of student art at Brighton High School. This unique repurposing of 428 pencils along with molded plastic facial features took four weeks to make and is built on a wood and plaster armature.
Grace's interest in art only became a serious interest during her sophomore year, but it has since become one of her primary passions. In addition to attending the New York State Summer School of the Arts program last summer, this year she took on the time-consuming challenge of adding the Advanced Placement Studio Art course as an Independent Study to her schedule. For that course students must prepare a substantial portfolio of college level artwork that demonstrates their understanding of specific elements of design.
She is drawn to working in three dimensions and likes exploring different mediums although she is finding herself increasingly interested in the properties of clay and plaster. For her the satisfaction comes from the process of doing the work — she freely gives her sculptures to friends and family and simply discards others.
Grace's other passion is riding her horse. She rides almost every day and after art and riding, she has little time for other pursuits. She will continue to explore these two interests at Alfred University next fall where she plans to double major in fine art and equine studies. Until then, this summer, she will work as the director of crafts at a summer camp.
Story provided by Jody Siegle
June, 2017

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434