Graphic Designs by Martin Simpson
2012 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
click each poster image to enlarge
Martin Simpson is destined for something big. We're not convinced that we can see its form just yet, but we suggest that you pay attention to this quiet young man.
Martin's current focus is on graphic design, and it was this work that earned him the D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award. He plans to carry that focus forward in his studies at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont ...but he's clearly multi-talented and capable of achieving something extraordinary in whatever he chooses to focus on.
Martin came to Brighton as a freshman, having lived in Africa during his elementary and middle school years -- his father works for Habitat for Humanity International. He took Brighton's Studio Art course as a freshman, but he only made the decision to focus his energy on art in the summer of 2011. As a senior, he took four art courses: Drawing and Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, and AP Studio Art. His teachers believe that he is the first BHS student to complete the grueling Cooper Union portfolio development process.
In his spare time, Martin enjoys playing piano and guitar, and he likes to sing "when no one is listening." We'd like to hear him sing, because his self-taught piano stylings have already earned him public performances. As we warned you: he's capable of achieving greatness in whatever he chooses to focus on. Watch out, world!
Images provided by the artist
Story developed by Jim Kane
June 18, 2012

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434