Pen on Paper by Molly Spero
2014 D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award Winner
Molly Spero's appealing drawing came out of an assignment in Mrs. Burger's AP Studio Art course this year to draw an animal in detail, using only line to create color and texture. Molly was initially attracted to the textures and patterns of the skin of chameleons and their ability to blend in with their environment; she just took off from there, adding more lizards, a tree trunk, branches, and leaves. The drawing shows off the precision, detail, and control that her teachers say characterizes all of Molly's artwork.
Molly has always loved creating art, but focuses mostly on drawing and painting. She fondly remembers the special feeling she got when one of her pieces was selected for display in the office at FRES, and credits early experiences such as that with her enduring interest in art. At BHS, Molly took Studio Art I and II, Drawing and Painting, as well as AP Studio Art. In the course of this work, she studied with Mr. Kunz, Mrs. Crerand, and Mrs. Burger, all of whom came to cherish Molly as a person and as an artist.
Molly will enroll in the Exploratory Program at Ithaca College in the fall, where she'll have the opportunity to create her own guided exploration of a broad curriculum. Her BHS teachers are as anxious as we are to see where Molly's curiosity will lead her.
Image provided by Debra Burger
Story developed by Jim Kane
June, 2014

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434